Author: Helen Snelson

  • Click2Map

    Click2Map is a simple to use tool enabling you, or your students, to create annotated maps. We have used it with students who need to revise the battles of the Western Front. Students posted the key facts and a picture onto a map. The process of looking up the information from their notes and locating…

  • Digital platforms: teaching your history students beyond the classroom!

    Digital platforms: teaching your history students beyond the classroom!

    A quick review of the landscape! When I was at school (at some time in the far and distant past), no teacher could continue to teach me from a distance. I was a good student, so my file was always in order, but I can’t say I really had a clear sense of the whole…

  • Human timeline for developing chronological understanding

    Helping students to develop their chronological understanding Using students wearing paper tabards as a human timeline to demonstrate sequencing and change over time. By being a human timeline the teacher can test students understanding of key historical terms. The students can more easily understand sequencing. They can also see change and continuity over time. By making…

  • Using @Twitter to promote historical thinking and improve your teaching

    Using @Twitter to promote historical thinking and improve your teaching

    For a couple of years now I have been using @Twitter to help my students get better at studying history and to improve my own teaching practice. The use of such an obviously social media may still seem odd to some of you, but I hope I can persuade you that it has a place…

  • The 3D-Gallery Generator

    The 3D-Gallery Generator

    This is a digital tool from Russell Tarr’s popular site. Your students create a virtual 3D gallery. To do this they need to act as the curator of their own exhibition. Curation requires them to develop criteria to decide what to select to put into their exhibition. They then create the gallery and justify…