• Click2Map

    www.click2map.com is a simple to use tool enabling you, or your students, to create annotated maps. We have used it with students who need to revise the battles of the Western Front. Students posted the key facts and a picture onto a map. The process of looking up the information from their notes and locating…

  • Digital platforms: teaching your history students beyond the classroom!

    A quick review of the landscape! When I was at school (at some time in the far and distant past), no teacher could continue to teach me from a distance. I was a good student, so my file was always in order, but I can’t say I really had a clear sense of the whole…

  • Teaching Strategy: Which Portrait Should Stay?

    Helping students to define and justify significance Students imagine they are re-organising a gallery. They have to choose between the portraits of two well-known individuals – only one of them can stay on the wall. First, they write down what they think they already know about the two. Then they look at sources to find…

  • Teaching Strategy: Analysing People’s Motives

    Helping students to compare and contrast motives Where many historical actors are involved in the same event or change, the skill of multiperspectivity can be trained by analysing the motives of each of them very carefully. This brings out for students the common goals as well as the factors that distinguish the motives of some…

  • Teaching Strategy: Developing a Sense of Place

    Helping students to develop a sense of place and period, a crucial part of thinking historically Students often have problems thinking historically because they do not know enough about the time and place they are trying to think about. For example, how can we expect a student to analyse propaganda posters from World War One…