In what ways did Roman inventions affect later developments in European life? Prioritizing the Legacies from Ancient Rome
This article is the twenty-second of an ongoing series from EuroClio providing teachers with ideas and practical resources for teaching a range of topics in their classrooms. You can find a wealth of additional resources including units, source collections and eLearning activities on the Historiana website and you can read the other articles in the series here. This activity uses the material of…
Great Men and Inventions: Providing Students Opportunities to Evaluate Bias and to Re-assess and Re-define Historical Terminology
This article is the seventeenth of an ongoing series from EuroClio providing teachers with ideas and practical resources for teaching a range of topics in their classrooms. You can find a wealth of additional resources including units, source collections and eLearning activities on the Historiana website and you can read the other articles in the…
How did the First Industrial Revolution Change Work Conditions in Producing Textile Goods? Providing Students Opportunities to Make Thoughtful Comparisons By Evaluating Images
This article is the sixteenth of an ongoing series from EuroClio providing teachers with ideas and practical resources for teaching a range of topics in their classrooms. You can find a wealth of additional resources including units, source collections and eLearning activities on the Historiana website and you can read the other articles in the…